A unique organic, ergonomic and futuristic Design.
For a sustainable environment beneficial to future generations. The future is now!An Art & Technology environment for all!
A concept giving a cultural dimension to urban planning.Animated by the concern of teaching and learning through play. A win-win concept!
Educational games, sports and rest areas for the young and the older people.Artistic and technical objectives.
ARTOTEC is also an organization of experts in the fields of technology, science and artthat aims to promote the creation of new playgrounds and outdoor equipment for children and adults.
An improvement of public spaces serving the people!
A range of products recognized as artistic, aesthetic, durable, modern, colourful and of high qualityto create playgrounds and rest areas in any outdoor environment, accessible to all, adults and younger people alike.
An art project and served by innovative technology!
Serving local communities, contractors, architectural firms, landscapers and designers of urban spaces.Following the concept of Universal Design!
Our products, both close at hand, fit perfectly in dedicated environments enhancing the grounds in which they are set.They form a permanent feature by their existence.
Safety and sustainable!
If You wish to meet safety requirements while avoiding risks and maximizing security, quality andsafety guidelines and meet the requirements of the official guidelines for playground equipment and street furniture,then
ARTOTEC will meet your expectations!
A question, a need?
Conditions and delivery terms?
Catalog, technical features, range of colours, complementary information?
CAD drawings for orientation and space safety requirements?
Photographic documentation for publication?
Planning an exhibition or a seminar?
Knowing our recommendations?
Contact us right away by
Email: info@artotec.org
or call: int. + 46 (0)8 551 701 77
Mob: int. + 46 (0)70 22 37 842
Skype: artotec.ab
We will respond as soon as possible and support you in your project.
Place your order Online
© Exclusive rights ARTOTEC AB
News and novelties of ARTOTEC
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Be informed on our latest designs, our research in the fields of art, design, or sites with specific projects.
All is not published on our site, subscribe to our newsletter or leave your comments on the ARTOTEC MAGAZINE.
To get access to ARTOTEC R & D (Research and Development) materials and report and about our products and areas of activities please send a request to info@artotec.org for access codes.
The purpose of this limited access is to guard against plagiarism often competing companies, to avoid misinterpretations, in short, to protect our sources and our expertise.
N.B.! Photos, text and proposals cannot be used, copied, reproduced or distributed without the written permission of the authors! Frédéric Iriarte (contemporary artist) and ARTOTEC AB.
© Public works photographs, designs, are protected by law Design copyright and registered organizations OHIM, BUS, ARS, STIM, ADAGP, COPYSWEDE and others [ WorldWide ].
Published 22-6-2020
CONTACT-US or FOLLOW-US on Social Medias
Published the 30/ 10-2017
We are proud to announce that the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Committee (Japan) and the Tokyo General Council of Planning and Urbanization have contacted us through CITYSKAPE LTD Hong Kong.
At 1000 days of this global event, the interest in our sustainable, innovative, robust, educational, accessible and attractive products for the Olympic and Paralympic village development is warm to our hearts. The proposal for participation comes from the CEO and the Chief Engineer of the company Cityscape in accordance with the guidelines of the Organizing Committee of the Games.
Hoping that the organizing committee of the Olympic Games in Paris 2024 will be attentive to the honor that the Japanese have granted us by joining this huge project. Proof of the quality and innovation of our products.
Trista Hon General President of the company Cityscape (HK) Ltd
Matyie Mok Landscape architect of the company Cityscape (HK) Ltd
For more information
Source :
Asger Røjle , Tokyo
Journalist, Correspondent, Weekendavisen, and Freelance Tokyo
Photography : Toshihiro Gamo
Photography : Zaha Hadid architects
* https://www.playthegame.org/news/news-articles/2017/0265_tokyo-governor-cuts-through-olympic-nostalgia/
* Zaha Hadid architects
Play the Game is an international conference and communication initiative aiming to strengthen the ethical foundation of sport and promote democracy, transparency and freedom of expression in sport. It is run by the Danish Institute for Sports Studies (Idan), an independent institution set up by the Danish Ministry of Culture. The task of Idan is to create overview over and insight into the field of sport nationally and internationally.
Published the 27/ 10-2017
SUNDSVALL Grows thanks to ARTOTEC among others !
Bygg Sundsvalls Norra Kajen
The city's urbanization office builds public streets, walking trails, bike paths, docks and green spaces
* Drakfastigheter* bygger äldreboende
* Norra Kajen Exploatering AB*, har i uppdrag är att utveckla Norra kajen enligt intentionerna i ”Stadsvision Sundsvall”, bolaget ägs av Sundsvalls kommun:
* Mitthem* bygger trygghetsboende och hyresrätter:
Builders and private actors :
* Arsfa Sundsvall AB bygger Concordia I
* Selångersfjärdens fastigheter i Sundsvall AB bygger Concordia II
* Lillskär bygger bostadsrätter: Bostadsrätter Brf Prima, Lillskär.
* Bostadsrätter Brf Pärlan, Lillskär*.
KSME Invest AB ska bygga bostadsrätter, Brf Solsidan:
* Bostadsrätter, Brf Solsidan, KSME Invest AB via Länsförsäkringar Fastighetsförmedling*.
* PEAB* genomför kajupprustningen i området åt Stadsbyggnadskontoret
* NCC* genomför markarbeten och bygger i området åt Stadsbyggnadskontoret.
For more information on the organizations, companies or other actors covered by a project, click on the name to access the website of the activity concerned.
Published the 24/10-2017
Ongoing project city council of BJUVS KOMMUN (Sweden) with ARTOTEC recreational sculptures and park furniture with [Art & Technology]
Civil Engineering Administration, Department of Technical Operations is responsible for the development of municipal parks and green spaces.
Oscar Gustavsson Landscape Architect Brochure "Folketshusparken Motorikbana"
For more information visit the website of the city BJUVS KOMMUN
Source : BJUVS KOMMUN http://www3.bjuv.se/
Published the 19/ 09-2016
Summer never ends at Badhusparken in Hyllie Malmö city, Sweden
Thank you for playfull and living pictures Maria Nyman
Communications Strategist – Hyllie development area, Torup .
Source: http://flickrhivemind.net/Tags/badhusparken/Interesting
Susanna Kapusta (M S) Landscape Architect / ATKINS AB / City of Malmö.
Hyllies development
Drone pictures over Badhusparken Hyllie, Malmö Sweden.
Photo : Magnus Franzén
Highshot www.highshot.se
Badhusparken Hyllie
Published the 01/ 07-2016
ARTOTEC announcement! We have signed a contract with SNCF
We are proud and pleased to announce that we have signed a contract with SNCF, the French national railway company.
The Lardy station is the first of five stations planned in south of Paris.
A desired presence in a world-renowned institution and a model for many professionals working in the field.
SNCF has about 7 892 railway stations in France, 5 886 in activity.
Proof that our innovative, attractive and robust equipment meets the needs of a modern society evolving to a sustainable future.
We now belong to the group of official suppliers of Europe's largest railway company.
For more information Le MAGAZINE ARTOTEC
Published the 23/ 02-2016
New Design ! Park and street sign ZIGNALITIX
Park and street sign with multiple applications. Playful, informativ, cognitive or educational sign.
More information about the Park and street sign ZIGNALITIX
Published the 19/ 02-2016
New Design ! Shelter for strollers BABYDOLINE
Parking for strollers - Multifonctional modulable - Protection against weather aggressions.
Recreational equipment, innovativ, strong, confortable, educational, accessible and attractiv.
More information about the Shelter for strollers BABYDOLINE
Published the 03/ 01-2016
ARTOTEC wish you a happy new year 2016 !
Published the 18/ 12-2015
Rotating chair ZICKI at Mariaplan public place, Gothenburg, Sweden
Project : Mariaplan Torg i Kungsladugård
Location : GÖTEBORG
Architect : Trafikontoret Göteborgs Stad City Council
Ordering by : GÖTEBORGS STAD, Trafikontoret City Council
Project manager : WSP Group
Photography Catarina Edén Grafi Foto
Published the 16/ 12-2015
Rotating chair ZICKI at the municipal public swimming pool at Hyllie Malmö City (Malmö City Council, Sweden)
Location: Badhusparken at Hylliebadet, MALMÖ
Architects: Susanna Kapusta (M S) / ATKINS AB
Ordering by: MALMÖ STAD City Council
Project manager: AKEA AB
To know more Contact us
Photography Michel Thomas ADENKO
Published the 2/ 12-2015
Bench WAITING-POINT at DISNEYLAND, Paris (special designed by ARTOTEC) revisited by Stéphane Poulain CREATHOME
Project : DISNEYLAND - DUMBO play environment
Place : EURO DISNEY Marnes La Vallée, Paris, France
Architects : Stéphane Poulain, CREATHOME with DISNEYLAND development team
In collaboration with Eurobollard and SARL C.NET77
Like Neil Armstrong said "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" ;)
Artotec team is proud and pleased for this fruitful collaboration.
Published the 12/ 10-2015
Promotion - 15 000 € (HT)
An unique equipment
Recreational sculptures and street furniture
Accessible, solid and durable
Attractive equipment for relaxing environments, playground spaces and semi-sports activities for all ages.
3 rotating chairs ZICKI
8 benches/low tables PALL-ETT
3 colours from 200 of the RAL
system range of colours.
Underground foundations included.
Transport offered in EU
For more information contact us right away !
by e-mail info@artotec.org or fill out our request form
This offer is valid until December 1st 2015
Published the 23/ 08-2015
Picnic table PICNICULYS & Bench PALL-ETT at Södra Hedvigslund (Stockholm/Nacka-Sweden)
Project : LOBÉLIAN - SMÅÅ HUS / S46
Place : SÖDRA HEDVIGSLUND - ÄLTA (Nacka/ Stockholm) Sweden
HUS 1-5, Radhus 6-17
Architects : NOVAMARK AB
Project manager : SMÅÅ HUS AB
S46 Mark-&-Väg AB
Published the 22/ 08-2015
Slide BABOON at Södra Hedvigslund (Stockholm/Nacka) Sweden. A new amenagment !
Project manager : SMÅÅ HUS AB / S46 Mark-&-Väg AB
Architects : NOVAMARK AB
Published the 30/ 07-2015
Project LOBÉLIAN in HEDVIGSLUND (Stockholm/Nacka-Sweden) - Implementation of children playground and rest area
Project manager: SMÅÅ HUS AB / S46 Mark-&-Väg AB
Project : LOBÉLIAN - SMÅÅ HUS / S46
Place : SÖDRA HEDVIGSLUND - (Nacka/Stockholm)
HUS 1-5, Radhus 6-17
Architect : NOVAMARK AB
Project manager : SMÅÅ HUS AB
Ordering by : S46 Mark-&-Väg AB
We will present very soon in our next publication visuals of the finalized project.
Published the 24/ 06-2015
"So we took a little time and perused the mammoth listing to reveal some of the weirdest, oddest, and certainly most unique submissions in the catalog. We picked the 25 shown here, but out of nearly 2,000 entries ..."
By Greig O'Brien, Caroline Massie
Source : The journal of the american institute of architects
Published the le 21/ 05-2015
Article published in the swedish national Magazine specialized for landscape architects
LANDSKAP TIDSKRIFTEN – NR 4 – 2015 (page 44)
A playfull equipment which stimulates
ARTOTEC develops unique playful sculptures, innovative, accessible and street furniture for green spaces, public spaces and play areas, a concept that combines strength durability. Among the GLING climber may be provided in a range of color according to the RAL system and designed by Frédéric Iriarte.
Red : Ann Richardsson
Source : Swedish national magazine specialized for landscape architects tidskriften LANDSKAP
Published the 07/ 05-2015
« ARTOTEC and Frédéric Iriarte offer a way to integrate the art on a daily basis »
Article published in the Magazine L´Art dans l´air N° 14 (May-June 2015)
Magazine Nr 1 for Art and artists in Languedoc-Roussillon, France
La e-boutique pour s’abonner et acheter des exemplaires en ligne.
Art dans L’AiR is a regional magazine that presents the news of artists and actors in the field of visual arts in Languedoc Roussillon.
Source : Magazine l´art dans l´air
Published the 02/ 05-2015
Magazine L´Art Dans L´Air – Frédéric Iriarte, A Catalan who "design" for the Nordic. (pages 60-65)
Article published in the Magazine L´Art dans l´air N° 14 (May-June 2015)
Magazine Nr 1 for Art and artists in Languedoc-Roussillon, France
Anne Devailly
Correspondent to the newspaper Le Monde
and chief editor of the Magazine L´art dans l´air
Art dans L’AiR is a regional magazine that presents the news of artists and actors in the field of visual arts in Languedoc Roussillon.
The region is rich in talents: this is what has driven this release!
The "Visual Arts": painting, drawing, graphics, sculpture, design, architecture, street art, etc...
A Visual Arts magazine that has both a digital and printed edition
A website for quick access to a calendar of events updated (very) regularly, an e-store to subscribe and to buy it online, social networks to exchange with experts or simply interested, and the magazine in paper form to keep the best : the representation of the works of talented artists!
Source : Magazine l´art dans l´air
Published the 01/ 05-2015
ARTOTEC´s product range presented at the International Design och Green Spaces Fair in Dubaï.
Our dedicated distributor presented, during their exhibition, our products to prominent companies in Dubaï at the occasion of the International Fair of Design and Outdoor Spaces.
Several exchanges and collaborations have been initiated. We are very proud and delighted to have by this way participated.
We cordially thank them for their commitment and Emeritus.
Published the 24/ 04-2015
Exhibitions, seminars, symposia, conferences and official statements, winners and honored participants and inauguration presenting project proposals to the great architectural international competition of the future Guggenheim Museum in Helsinki, Finland.
As we mentioned previously, ARTOTEC participated in this international competition. Our proposal is now publicly available in its entirety on the website of the foundation GUGGENHEIM.
However, we fully adhere to the alternative against-competitive projects under the banner The Next Helsinki.
The exhibition « GUGGENHEIM HELSINKI NOW! » take place the April 25th and May 16th 2015 at the Contemporary Arts Center, Kunsthalle Helsinki.
Two seminars, Principles of Play Children’s (Workshop) and Play Today (Lecture) have been specially organized for this purpose. They will pay special attention to the play value and its specific psychology and its dynamic effects on evolution in general, the growth and development of our societies.
We are proud to have participated in this project and note that, relatively speaking, our work is and has been "like rings on the water and like ARTOTEC´s spiral shape and dynamic" an interaction that awake, stimulate relevant questions and reasonings about art, architecture, urban planning, landscaping and design in a humanistic and responsible perspective with scale and with the intention to create a better society.
ARTOTEC Propopsal GH-44095710
Integrated [ART & TECHNOLOGY] concept in an architectural, landscaping and urban context.
Iceberquiem / Pyramidus / Volcanus / Naturalys
This proposal is based on a purely artistic idea, conceptual assimilations, an allegory of the representation of an ICEBERG and a VOLCANO.
Published the 14/ 03-2015
Article published in the latest issue of the MAGAZINE Real Estate (Sweden) FASTIGHETSTIDNINGEN Fakta
(National Magazine )
Number 1/2015 – Page 66-67 – Journalist Susann Engqvist.
ARTOTEC´s bikes shelters is much appreciated.
Cycling is good for health and the environment, but cycling should be secured and requires convenient storage and it all year ...
In this MAGAZINE you will get advice on uncompromised shelters and bicycle storage systems for both the exterior and the interior.
Source : The magazine Fastighetstidningen
Published the 13/ 03-2015
Article published in the latest issue of the MAGAZINE Real Estate (Sweden) FASTIGHETSTIDNINGEN Fakta
(Magazine national)
Number 1/2015 – Page 16 – Journalist Susann Engqvist.
ARTOTEC´s exciting play equipment with a characteristic artistic expression. strong>
Safe and creative equipment that make attractive property and environment.
Source : study by the landscape architect Märit Jansson, SLU, 2014
SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) SLU is a university with comprehensive knowledge of the sustainable use of biological natural resources, as well as of the environmental and life sciences.
The magazine of the estate that exists since 1910, is a trade magazine for property owners and condominium associations.
The journal covers topics on real estate, marketing, management, and trends in the industry.
Major focus is on environmental issues and policy decisions affecting the construction and real estate companies.
The magazine is published 10 times a year and TS-audited circulation is 19,800 copies.
Souce : The magazine Fastighetstidningen
Published the 07/ 02-2015
NOUS SOMMES ARTOTEC - Hommage à Charlie Hebdo.
OUI ! Pour la liberté d´expression, à l´image, à la forme et aux couleurs, au jeu, au parfum de la vie, à la poésie, à la musique, à l´Art, au rêve, à l´éducation et au Bien-Être et bien plus encore …
Published the 22/ 01-2015
ARTOTEC´s product range present at "URBEST" the International Trade Fair for Urban Green and Open Spaces in METZ, France.
The fair will take place January 27th, 28th and 29th -2015
Come and meet us!
Visit URBEST Fair website by following this link.
Download the invitation.
Published the 07/ 01-2015
ARTOTEC Trailer - "ARTOTEC URBAN FURNITURE - An unique organic, ergonomic and futuristic Design."
Film published on YouTube
Published the 15/ 12-2014
Bicycle shelter CYCLOBIK at the main entrance to the FUB and RBU headquarters and adult school in Gothenburg, Sweden.
FUB (The Swedish National Association for Persons with Physical and Intellectual Disability) FUB is an advocacy organisation working to enable children, young persons and adults with an physical or intellectual disability to lead a good life.
RBU (The Swedish National Association for Disabled Children and Young People).
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Published the 2/ 12-2014
For happy children !
A warm greeting to all children and World Childhood Foundation
Support their work for children to be children.
Build also a snowman !
Link to the website World Childhood Foundation
Published the 27/ 10-2014
VOTE ! GH-44095710 Proposal/competition to the new GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM in Helsinki, Finland
"Art is not only what you see but it is as well what you feel and what you learn that stimulate creativity, communication, inspiration and innovation."
Integrated [ART & TECHNOLOGY] concept in an architectural, landscaping and urban context.
Iceberquiem / Pyramidus / Volcanus / Naturalys
This proposal is based on a purely artistic idea, conceptual assimilations, an allegory of the representation of an ICEBERG and a VOLCANO.
A fruitful interaction/combination, an application of natural phenomena and methodology (biomimicry) welding with an elaborated modern technology taking into consideration the natural resources of the environment, the country and the city integrated in the architecture and their activities.
A grounded artistically starting point for scientific, technological and cultural development as well as for the enjoyment and pleasure of the visitors, citizens and workers.
Published the 23/ 10-2014
Novelty ! Multi-fonctional Bus shelter with ergonomic bench WINDOLINE
We have the pleasure to inform you that a new product is now in our collection.
The bus shelter WINDOLINE has much in common with the bicycle shelter CYCLOBIK, however, they are different.
We developed the bus shelter with a company that specializes in unbreakable glass. For more information on experience with this type of glazing, watch the video.
Film published on YouTube
Published the 22/ 09-2014
ARTOTEC Trailer "DESIGN the FUTURE with our playful equipment for outdoor spaces, robust and entertaining for all adges."
Film published on YouTube
Published the 20/ 09-2013
Article published the 9th of September
Article in TechniCité The Journal of Local Authorities and on the website - Technical Magazine for communities: public contest preparation, technical news for local contractors. Planning, environment, roads, technical, procurement etc ...
Number 254 - 09 September 2013
Published the 15/ 09-2013
ARTOTEC present at The Nordic Trade Fair for outdoor environments
ELMIA Park 2013 (Jönköping, Sweden), 24-26 September 2013, Stand A06:39
For several years our partner ETESIA have presented some selected products from our collection. With Special Thanks to : Gaetan Boyer of ETESIA who, after several years of work and co-operation together has once again agreed to continue to be our representatives; and Thanks also to STADS & PARK who recently approved ARTOTEC to become our most recent partner. They will be joining ETESIA as representatives of our innovative products
For more information and to schedule an appointment contact gaetan.boyer@artotec.org. He will be pleased to inform you about ARTOTEC products, brochures, catalogs and any other relevant information.
About Elmia Park 2013
Fruitful business meetings, important customer meetings, a pleasant atmosphere, discussions, debates and a special occasion for the entire industry. Elmia Park & Golf 2013 is over and one thing is clearer than ever: the fair truly is an event for the entire industry.
This is where suppliers meet the whole industry show the latest machinery, equipment, furniture, play environments, soil and plant materials, irrigation and services. In short, everything needed for efficient, professional care of outdoor environments.
Meet us at Elmia (Jönköping, Sweden) ON the 24th - 26th of SEPTEMBER 2013!
Stand A06:39
Location plan
Phone stand : +46 (0)733-54 60 25
Published the 05/ 09-2013
Article in TechniCité The Journal of Local Authorities and on the website - Technical Magazine for communities: public contest preparation, technical news for local contractors. Planning, environment, roads, technical, procurement etc ...
Frequency and distribution
Bimonthly magazine published and distributed to 25,000 subscribers, between 100 to 120,000 readers per issue.
A bimonthly magazine that deals with technical and innovative news, legal, statutory, regulatory procedures. A tool for ongoing professional development.
The frame work and parameters of technical services given by local authorities (planning, roads, environment, transport;), government departments and business partners customs in communities.
NOTE! Several press articles in established newspapers and magazines have already been written or planned. They will be published on the site ARTOTEC (catalog News) and when they appear they will be public. in particular, an article on the Mayors, Exhibition in Paris in late November. An invitation and a newsletter will inform you of this publication.
Published the 06/ 05-2013
News: ARTOTEC – Nordic Art Insight – Nordic Ecolabel – Svanen – IBS
Step by step, we confirmed that we are thinking and thought right.
Our products are designed with great attention to the environment and with high aesthetic requirement.
We contribute to a sustainable future.
Link to Nordic Art Insight
Nordic Ecolabel
Theoretical approach:
ARTOTEC [Art & Technology] concept is a project that combines artistic and innovative technology to the service of local authorities, contractors, architectural firms, landscape designers and creator of urban spaces.
Children Playground and Urban Furniture that are innovative, robust, accessible and attractive.
A very robust and durable design thanks to carefully selected choice of materials and using organic form.
Iriarte´s Bicentric Spiral IBS
Svanen Nordic Ecolabel
Published the 24/ 04-2013
New: R-YOU Bench with ergonomic backrest and armrest, manufactured in robust metal and comfortable wood seat.
Published the 23 /04-2013
New: PICNICULYS Picnic table
Published the 22/ 04-2013
New: DIRECT-ERGONOMIC Bench with ergonomic backrest, manufactured in robust metal and comfortable wood seat.
Published the 11 /03-2013
New: Cycle stand with shelter CYCLOBIK
Published the 11 /03-2013
New: Dust-bins MUSSEL PEARL
Published the : 7 /01-2013
Playground Equipment and Urban Furniture [ Art and Technology ]
Innovative, robust, educational, accessible and attractive.
ARTOTEC AB designs, develops, manufactures and markets playful, recreational sculptures and street furniture accessible, solid and durable, easy to use and easy to install.
Attractive equipment for relaxing environments, playground spaces and semi-sports activities for all ages.
ARTOTEC [ Art & Technology ] is a company that combines artistic and innovative technology to the service of local authorities, contractors, architectural firms, landscape designers and creator of urban spaces.
Research & Development (R&D)
ARTOTEC [ Art & Technology ] is an organization that is interdisciplinary by bringing together experts from different fields of technology, science and art to promote the creation of innovative equipment for playgrounds and public spaces. Street furniture developed for both young and older users and as well as for people with physical or intellectual disability, with partial or total blindness.
ARTOTEC [ Art & Technology ] offers a range of products recognized as artistic, aesthetic, original, educational, unique and durable, modern, colorful and of the highest quality to create playgrounds and user friendly public spaces for all kinds of environment and activities, accessible to all.
ARTOTEC develops its expertise in three key areas :
To innovate and create an artistic identity, playful, educational, user friendly and accessible to all.
To ensure the safety, reliability, quality, efficiency and performance of our equipment and services.
To respect the environment.
ARTOTEC a quality label!
High quality product and finish.
Very robust and durable product thanks to a carefully selected choice of materials using organic design.
Our product range has been specially developed and tested according to the concept of Universal Design guidelines.
The reports on the use and accessibility of our equipment are available on our website and published on the website of the community organization The Swedish Institute of Assistive Technology (SIAT).
Our dedicated work and studies, Research and Development (R&D) has been recognized and rewarded by the Foundation Norrbacka-Eugeniastiftelsen.
An unique collection of recreational sculptures and street furniture
Climber GLING

We provide exclusive play equipment in resistant and very durable materials of the highest quality guarantied for many years.
Climber ZAN

Play value and exercise of highest quality; training, climbing and movement skills that stimulate the imagination. Imaginative Games, role play or training course.
Seesaw ZOOLA

A seesaw easily accessible to children or adults, the abled-bodied or those with disabilities. Fun for Everyone!
Climber GONG

Climbing instrument, a game that takes you into the clouds or where imagination takes you, and recreational climbing sports. Bird wiew perspective.
Bench /Table PALL-ETT

Equipment both sculptural and functional. To sit or as a low table. In group formation, it will serve as play equipment or training course (Physical training) or simply to rest.

Simple solutions adapted to the specific design space. Easy operating mode, installation and maintenance . Methods with multiple benefits, solutions to the most complex requirements.

Resistant furniture to spring and winter cleaning and against UV damage. A high-end finishing, insulating, shock absorbing, anti-scratch, anti-graffiti and suitable for outdoor environments.

Wraps around a tree or a grove to create a friendly curvy space. Its purpose? to break the often too straight, strict and inflexible architecture of essentially functional urban environments.

Wooden seat with ergonomic steel handles and armrests . Pleasant seating combining comfort and durability. Organic and ergonomic design.

Technical support, efficient and fast for the planning and development of your project with assembly instructions, plans and other necessary documents. And / or as a tender or project presentation.

Virtually maintenance free. Can be supplied in any colour (200 shades of the RAL range) or stainless steel (extra cost for non-standard colours and finitions).

Integration and diversity of aesthetic personal and varied spaces, strengthening the identity of the site and allowing for friendly close encounters.
Bench R-YOU

Wood and metal bench, ergonomic backrest and armrest. Many application in areas such as parks, squares, school yards for young or older.

Self-cleaning picnic table and accessible to all .
Made of metal and perforated sheet.

Bench with ergonomic backrest. We can design special equipment for high level requirement locations, an inventive mode of operating, sustainable design and great respect for the environment.

A unique organic, ergonomic and futuristic design. for a sustainable environment and beneficial to future generations.
The future is now!
Rotating chair ZICKI

Creating an attractive space, fun, accessible and sustainable for the environment for all types of playgrounds and public areas and much more ... Robust therefore sustainable, That is our motto!
Cycle stand with shelter CYCLOBIK

The roof can be made of Hammerglass which is made of virtually unbreakable polycarbonate or overlapping sheet or perforated steel plate.
It can also be used or turned into a shelter with a bench instead of a bike rack.
Shelter for strollers BABYDOLINE

New Design !
Parking for strollers - Multifonctional modulable - Protection against weather aggressions.
Recreational equipment, innovativ, strong, confortable, educational, accessible and attractiv.
Bus shelter WINDOLINE

A very resistant construction with virtually unbreakable glass, UV resistant etc... Can also be completed with ergonomic benches, sit-stand seats, frontal wind protection, digital screen and LED lighting.
Park and street sign ZIGNALITIX

New Design !
Park and street sign with multiple applications. Playful, informativ, cognitive or educational sign.
Many possible combinations! |
Steel tubes 5 mm or 3,2 mm thick with high finish coating: extra-resistant polymer developed with anti-corrosion, anti-scratch, anti-graffiti treatment for high exposure environment or extreme use (optional) with insulating properties. |
ARTOTEC will help you through the process of installation from the study of the site to the final installation of your product. At the implementation phase, ARTOTEC will assist you in the development and installation of your project. From the reception of your equipment to the performance check. The aim is to ensure, measure and optimize the quality of your installation while maintaining the security of its equipment and ensuring the respect for the environment.
ARTOTEC an unique collection
Art for your city, integrated into the functional architectural environment while maintaining a contemporary artistic, recreational,
comfortable, solid and fun identity.
An organic, ergonomic and futuristic unique Design.
Educational games, sports and rest equipment for the young and older children.
An enhancement of public spaces in the service of citizens. We provide exclusive play equipment in resistant and very durable
materials of the highest quality with many years of warranty.
A [Art & Technology] concept giving a cultural dimension to urban planning.
Educational games, sports and rest areas for the young as older.
We are continually developing new products, playground equipment, street furniture tailored to the needs and requirements of the user,
the installer and space designer such as shelters for bicycles, dustin-bins, lighting, fountains, ground games. All with a distinctive character and identity, a concept, an expression specific to [Art & Technology].
Each project has its own requirements and budget associated with it.
We make specific arrangements with the utmost skill and spear head technology in various fields.
Safety (European standard EN 1176:2008 – ISO 9001 – ISO 14001 – TÜV Rheinland)
You wish to meet safety requirements while avoiding the risks and maximizing the security, quality and guarantees.
Meet the requirements of the standards for playground equipment, street furniture, ... ARTOTEC meets your expectations:
All our equipment and street furniture are approved in accordance with the latest standards and European safety standard EN 1176:2008. ARTOTEC also ensures the renewal of the standard.
All our products are developed according to accessibility guidelines for buildings and facilities: U.S. Access Board (2005) ADAAG Play (2000), Prellwitz & Skar (2007), Iwarsson and Stahl (2003) ISO 9241 international standards for accessibility - and universal Design.
Our recreational sculptures and street furniture are manufactured in accordance with European standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and TÜV Rheinland. Certificate Welding class European Standard EN 287 for use in areas that require maximum security.
ARTOTEC cares and takes into consideration :
The imagination and curiosity of children and adults.
The perspective and aspiration of children and their environment.
The psycho-social, physical and motor environment of the child and their friends or relatives.
The strength and energy of children, teenagers and adults in moments of intense activity.
You are looking for your ideas to develop your project?
Contact us! for price and delivery conditions.
Place your order Online.
Depending on the choice of product, colours, type of foundation and the quantity, place of delivery prices can vary and be more beneficial to the client. We will guide you to choose the best alternatives. Usually, the production time is 3 to 8 weeks.
Send us your question, we will reply as soon as possible and support you in your efforts.
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