An unique organic, ergonomic and futuristic Design.
For a sustainable environment beneficial to future generations. The future is now !An Art & Technology environment for all !
A concept giving a cultural dimension to urban planning.Animated by the concern of teaching and learning through play. A winning concept !
Educational games, sports and rest areas for the young and the older people.Artistic and technical objectives.
ARTOTEC is also an organization of experts in the fields of technology, science and artthat aims to promote the creation of new playgrounds and outdoor equipment for children and adults.
An improvement of public spaces serving the people !
A range of products recognized as artistic, aesthetic, durable, modern, colourful and of high qualityto create playgrounds and rest areas in any outdoor environment, accessible to all, adults and younger people alike.
An art project and served by innovative technology !
Serving local communities, contractors, architectural firms, landscapers and designers of urban spaces.Following the concept of Universal Design !
Our products, both close at hand, fit perfectly in dedicated environments enhancing the grounds in which they are set.They form a permanent feature by their existence.
Safety and sustainable !
If You wish to meet safety requirements while avoiding risks and maximizing security, quality andsafety guidelines and meet the requirements of the official guidelines for playground equipment and street furniture,then
ARTOTEC will meet your expectations!
ARTOTEC [ Art & Technology ] R&D
is a company that combines artistic and innovative technologyto the service of local authorities, contractors, architectural firms, landscape designers and creator of urban spaces.
ARTOTEC [ Art & Technology ] Research & Development
is an organization that is interdisciplinary by bringing together experts from different fields of technology, science and artto promote the creation of innovative equipment for playgrounds and public spaces.
Street furniture developed for both young and older users and as well as for people with physical or intellectual disability.
ARTOTEC Playgound Equipment and Urban Furniture with [ Art & Technology ]
We offer a range of products recognized as artistic, aesthetic, original, educational, unique and durable,modern, colorful and of the highest quality to create playgrounds and user friendly public spaces for all kinds of environment and activities, accessible to all.
ART+TEC = Heigh Technology & Quality Material = Good Design
Innovating and creating an artistic identity, playful, educational, user friendly and accessible to all.Ensuring the safety, reliability, quality, efficiency and performance of our equipment and services.
Respecting the environment.
Art for your city, integrated into the functional architectural environment
while maintaining a contemporary artistic, recreational, comfortable, solid and fun identity.ARTOTEC a quality label !
High quality product and finish.Very robust and durable product thanks to a carefully selected choice of materials using organic design.
Educational games, sports activities and rest equipment for the young and older children.
Playground Equipment and Urban Furniture with [ Art and Technology ]
Innovative, robust, educational, accessible and attractive.
ARTOTEC AB designs, develops, manufactures and markets playful, recreational sculptures and street furniture accessible, solid and durable, easy to use and easy to install.
Attractive equipment for relaxing environments, playground spaces and semi-sports activities for all ages.
ARTOTEC [ Art & Technology ] is a company that combines artistic and innovative technology to the service of local authorities, contractors, architectural firms, landscape designers and creator of urban spaces.
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Research & Development (R&D)
ARTOTEC [ Art & Technology ] is an organization that is interdisciplinary by bringing together experts from different fields of technology, science and art to promote the creation of innovative equipment for playgrounds and public spaces. Street furniture developed for both young and older users and as well as for people with physical or intellectual disability, with partial or total blindness.
ARTOTEC [ Art & Technology ] offers a range of products recognized as artistic, aesthetic, original, educational, unique and durable, modern, colorful and of the highest quality to create playgrounds and user friendly public spaces for all kinds of environment and activities, accessible to all.
ARTOTEC develops its expertise in three key areas :
To innovate and create an artistic identity, playful, educational, user friendly and accessible to all.
To ensure the safety, reliability, quality, efficiency and performance of our equipment and services.
To respect the environment.
ARTOTEC a quality label!
High quality product and finish.
Very robust and durable product thanks to a carefully selected choice of materials using organic design.
Our product range has been specially developed and tested according to the concept of Universal Design guidelines.
The reports on the use and accessibility of our equipment are available on our website and published on the website of the community organization The Swedish Institute of Assistive Technology (SIAT).
Our dedicated work and studies, Research and Development (R&D) has been recognized and rewarded by the Foundation Norrbacka-Eugeniastiftelsen.
Many possible combinations! |
Steel tubes 5 mm or 3,2 mm thick with high finish coating: extra-resistant polymer developed with anti-corrosion, anti-scratch, anti-graffiti treatment for high exposure environment or extreme use (optional) with insulating properties. |
ARTOTEC will help you through the process of installation from the study of the site to the final installation of your product. At the implementation phase, ARTOTEC will assist you in the development and installation of your project. From the reception of your equipment to the performance check. The aim is to ensure, measure and optimize the quality of your installation while maintaining the security of its equipment and ensuring the respect for the environment.
ARTOTEC an unique collection
Art for your city, integrated into the functional architectural environment while maintaining a contemporary artistic, recreational,
comfortable, solid and fun identity.
An organic, ergonomic and futuristic unique Design.
Educational games, sports and rest equipment for the young and older children.
An enhancement of public spaces in the service of citizens. We provide exclusive play equipment in resistant and very durable
materials of the highest quality with many years of warranty.
A [Art & Technology] concept giving a cultural dimension to urban planning.
Educational games, sports and rest areas for the young as older.
We are continually developing new products, playground equipment, street furniture tailored to the needs and requirements of the user,
the installer and space designer such as shelters for bicycles, dustin-bins, lighting, fountains, ground games. All with a distinctive character and identity, a concept, an expression specific to [Art & Technology].
Each project has its own requirements and budget associated with it.
We make specific arrangements with the utmost skill and spear head technology in various fields.
Safety (European standard EN 1176:2008 – ISO 9001 – ISO 14001 – TÜV Rheinland)
You wish to meet safety requirements while avoiding the risks and maximizing the security, quality and guarantees.
Meet the requirements of the standards for playground equipment, street furniture, ... ARTOTEC meets your expectations:
All our equipment and street furniture are approved in accordance with the latest standards and European safety standard EN 1176:2008. ARTOTEC also ensures the renewal of the standard.
All our products are developed according to accessibility guidelines for buildings and facilities: U.S. Access Board (2005) ADAAG Play (2000), Prellwitz & Skar (2007), Iwarsson and Stahl (2003) ISO 9241 international standards for accessibility - and universal Design.
Our recreational sculptures and street furniture are manufactured in accordance with European standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and TÜV Rheinland. Certificate Welding class European Standard EN 287 for use in areas that require maximum security.
ARTOTEC cares and takes into consideration :
The imagination and curiosity of children and adults.
The perspective and aspiration of children and their environment.
The psycho-social, physical and motor environment of the child and their friends or relatives.
The strength and energy of children, teenagers and adults in moments of intense activity.
You are looking for your ideas to develop your project?
Contact us! for price and delivery conditions.
Place your order Online.
Depending on the choice of product, colours, type of foundation and the quantity, place of delivery prices can vary and be more beneficial to the client. We will guide you to choose the best alternatives. Usually, the production time is 3 to 8 weeks.
Send us your question, we will reply as soon as possible and support you in your project.
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